Manotte Etienne
Vice President & Delegate
Manotte Etienne is the Vice President and Delegate of the MIVO Foundation. She is....
Loretta Speicher
Loretta’s passion for missions began in 2005 and continued in service as a Missionary Associate with Assemblies of God World Missions using medical evangelism to share the love of Christ through 2015. Largely in part due to......
Lori Smyser
Assistant Coordinator
Lori Smyser is Assistant Coordinator of the MIVO Foundation. She is a registered nurse with an oncology certification and works at .....
Lawrence Smyser
Lawrence Smyser is the treasurer for the MIVO Foundation. Lawrence earned his B.S. degree in Business Management from York College. He is a retired plant superintendent. He is married to Lori, and ......
Angie Hartman
Public Relations Representative
Angie Hartman is part of the PR/Marketing team for the MIVO Foundation. She has over 15 years of healthcare marketing/PR experience. She earned her B.S. in Business Administration from Elizabethtown College. Angie is .....
Mary Uffelman
Stateside Coordinator
Mary Uffelman serves as the Stateside Coordinator for the MIVO Foundation. She recently retired from OSS Health as their Purchasing Coordinator. Mary has ......
Deb Shue
Deb is one of MIVO's newest Executive Committee members. She is a retired RN having served her profession as a certified rehabilitation registered nurse in the capacity of nurse management...
Donna and Stu
Donna & Stu joined MIVO Foundation in 2019. As native York Countians and long time members of the Church Of The Open Door which has a “strong” emphasis in world/local missions...
Dr. Gracia "Grassi" Etienne, MD
Founder & CEO
Dr. Gracia Etienne is the founding father and CEO of the MIVO Foundation. He personally travels and guides our missionary teams to L'Estère, Haiti in order to ...
Manotte Etienne
Vice President & Delegate
Manotte Etienne is the Vice President and Delegate of the MIVO Foundation. She is....
Loretta Speicher
Loretta’s passion for missions began in 2005 and continued in service as a Missionary Associate with Assemblies of God World Missions using medical evangelism to share the love of Christ through 2015. Largely in part due to......
Lori Smyser
Assistant Coordinator
Lori Smyser is Assistant Coordinator of the MIVO Foundation. She is a registered nurse with an oncology certification and works at .....
Lawrence Smyser
Lawrence Smyser is the treasurer for the MIVO Foundation. Lawrence earned his B.S. degree in Business Management from York College. He is a retired plant superintendent. He is married to Lori, and ......
Angie Hartman
Public Relations Representative
Angie Hartman is part of the PR/Marketing team for the MIVO Foundation. She has over 15 years of healthcare marketing/PR experience. She earned her B.S. in Business Administration from Elizabethtown College. Angie is .....
Mary Uffelman
Stateside Coordinator
Mary Uffelman serves as the Stateside Coordinator for the MIVO Foundation. She recently retired from OSS Health as their Purchasing Coordinator. Mary has ......

Deb Shue
Deb is one of MIVO's newest Executive Committee members. She is a retired RN having served her profession as a certified rehabilitation registered nurse in the capacity of nurse management...
Donna and Stu
Donna & Stu joined MIVO Foundation in 2019. As native York Countians and long time members of the Church Of The Open Door which has a “strong” emphasis in world/local missions...
Austin and Kirsten Menges
Austin and Kirsten Merges have been longtime supporters of the MIVO foundation through the years. The couple become members of the Executive Committee in 2021. Austin served on his first trip to Haiti in 2010 and Kirsten in 2017...